[ExI] Russians bots at work again?

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 14:16:58 UTC 2020

PizzaGate is back and has almost reached the Intensity levels it had during
the last presidential election. In 2016 a conspiracy theory with started
that said Hillary Clinton was a head of a child sex molestation ring
headquartered in the basement of a pizza restaurant in Washington DC; one
nut case enter the restaurant with an assault rifle and demanded to be
taken to the basement so he could confront Hillary. The restaurant has no
basement. The conspiracy theory has mutated and so today Hillary has
retired and the child sex slave ring is now ruled by an evil cabal
consisting of Bill Gates, Ellen DeGeneres, and Oprah Winfrey; but it's
still run out of the nonexistent basement of that pizza restaurant. In the
first week of June PizzaGate got 800,000 likes on Facebook and 600,000 on
Instagram. On TikTok posts with the #PizzaGate hashtag have been viewed
more than 82 million times, and Google searches for PizzaGate have
increased enormously.

Weekly Google search popularity for ‘PizzaGate’

John K Clark
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