[ExI] Russians bots at work again?

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Jun 27 16:07:14 UTC 2020



> On Behalf Of Darin Sunley via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] Russians bots at work again?


>…Ooh! Better yet! Strip their right to vote! That'll convince them they aren't the brave opposition to a powerful Washington conspiracy, /and/ have the bonus of restricting political discourse in this country to right-thinking, qualified people only!  Darin


Darin think about it: we have long held the Spanish Inquisition theory on the Singularity.  It just shows up suddenly, nobody expected the Singularity when it happened.


https://external-preview.redd.it/0QjQq-mB5x88k_87B4e6hAK0OqeVNfCM5lAKNwRXo1I.gif?format=mp4 <https://external-preview.redd.it/0QjQq-mB5x88k_87B4e6hAK0OqeVNfCM5lAKNwRXo1I.gif?format=mp4&s=773b9870e5d4e9339405640b6078b11064842a6c> &s=773b9870e5d4e9339405640b6078b11064842a6c


Sure, the Singularity just happens one day, bursts thru the door with some mysteriously hilarious comment; call that the Spanish Inquisition model.  But what if… the singularity just happens gradually, call it the kudzu model, where your hedges have a parasitic vine, you need to go out and take care of that but you hit the snooze button and it keeps growing, you see it gradually more and more every day, no sudden change on any particular day until you realize it has now become difficult to tell the plants from the kudzu.


What if… people find ways to make money with bots on the internet, in a kind of parasitic way, such as likebots gobbling up advertising dollars.  One might argue that likebots are not parasitic, the companies offer Face Book and Twitter money to air their ads, it is a bargain for the company, Face Book and Twitter make money, the bots don’t care how many ads they “see” so it isn’t parasitic.  But… somewhere somehow someone has to pay for all that, and it hasta be the end consumer, ja?


What if… the singularity gradually happens and we get to where we cannot tell which stories are real, which are being massively likebotted, which are being generated by memebots and trendbots then massively liked by likebots?  We look around one day and realize we can no longer reliably tell meat world reality from virtual reality.  The singularity happened when no one was looking, or if they were looking they didn’t recognize it while it was underway.



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