[ExI] US Tech Manufacturing Depends on 23 Rare Minerals—and Their Supply Is at Risk

JADE AND EUNICE CHANNEL possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 13:50:40 UTC 2020

"The US has made no secret of its growing uneasiness over its reliance on
China for rare-earth minerals
, key ingredients in everything from smartphones to satellites. In 2017,
President Trump issued an executive order that led to the U.S. National
Science and Technology Council releasing a list of 35 minerals
critical to the US economy whose supply could be vulnerable to disruption."

"Now researchers at the US Geological Survey have gone a step further by
assessing which of these minerals pose the greatest supply risk to
America’s manufacturing sector. In a paper in *Science Advances*
<https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/8/eaay8647>, they list 23
minerals at risk of supply disruption that could bring the country’s
ability to produce some high tech products (including rechargeable
batteries, thin-film solar panels, and permanent magnets) grinding to a

"The researchers looked at data on 52 minerals between 2007–2016 and
considered 3 key risks: how dependent US manufacturers are on foreign
supplies, how likely those supplies are to be disrupted, and how easily
manufacturers could weather those disruptions."

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