[ExI] Even India and Haiti do it better

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Thu May 7 15:45:31 UTC 2020

On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 9:39 AM Ben Zaiboc via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

* > Interesting. I can't help wondering if this has more to do with
> genetics than with different countries' responses?*

What about New Zealand? They have a population of 4.94 million and have had
21 deaths, if they had the same population as the USA they would have only
had 1,394 deaths.

What about Iceland? They have a population of 364 thousand and have had 10
deaths, if they had the same population as the USA they would have only had
9,010 deaths.

What about South Korea? They have a population of 51.7 million and have had
256 deaths, if they had the same population as the USA they would have only
had 1,624 deaths.

What about Taiwan? They have a  population of 23.6 million and have had 6
deaths, if they had the same population as the USA they would have only had
83 deaths.

My figure on the number of deaths in the USA badly needs upgrading because
it was made way back in the olden days of 3 hours ago, the old number was
74,810, the new number is 74,962 deaths.

John K Clark
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