[ExI] tv ads

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 22:26:03 UTC 2020

Someone mentioned earlier about the increased use of 'people of color' on
TV.  I have seen many of them.  Many feature a pretty white woman and a
'man of color'.  I suppose they think that they are obligated in some way
to do that, but I will guarantee them two things:

1 - those ads will cost them customers.
2 - not one single person will change his mind - in fact it may work the
opposite way - you just can't change minds by cramming things down people's
throats.  Disgust doesn't sell anything.

Football is huge down here, but my barber told me that many had quit the
NFL entirely because of the kneeling during the National Anthem.  Kind of
throwing the baby out with the bath water.  It didn't help that the guy who
popularized it was Black or some mixture.

bill w
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