[ExI] dead bikers
pharos at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 15:13:58 UTC 2020
On Thu, 3 Sep 2020 at 05:08, spike jones via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> The reason I mention it: the most striking feature of my biker friend was his leathery skin on his face and hands. If his sleeves rode up, one could see his skin looked normal elsewhere. But that face and those hands had seen a lot of sun in 83 years.
> If sunlight offers some protection from death by covid, that would explain why the southern hemisphere was delayed, and why New York was hit so hard: their governors demanded shelter in place as well, and they did make it sound like there was a law requiring New Yorkers to stay indoors and die inside their own homes.
> Ideas please?
> _______________________________________________
South Africa has a surprisingly low rate of Covid deaths, about seven
times lower than in the UK.
They can't understand why, because the crowded poverty-stricken
unsanitary living conditions of most of the population should be ideal
for virus spread.
Some suggestions are under-counting and a young population with far
fewer old people. South Africa has lots of sunshine of course.
The favourite suggestion seems to be that the crowded conditions mean
that previously everyone has had many colds and flu coronavirus
infections and this has given them a level of protection against
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