[ExI] as the world burns
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Wed Sep 9 20:32:56 UTC 2020
>>>… the Russian vaccine also uses this method but other vaccine candidates do not use a live virus. John K Clark
>> The commies aren’t stupid, only commie.
>…Don't be a square daddy-o, get with the times. The Russians haven't been comies for over 30 years…
Ja, well I never trust a commie. I tells ya, it’s a TRICK! They get us comfortable, thinking they are a big friendly Canada over there, then WHAM, the KGB is running the place.
John what happened to you man? Did you find your bottle of nice pills? Treating people with respect, posting dignified comments. Whaz up widdat? Oh jeez, don’t tell us: you found god. I do admit that 66/85 merger has me thinking some supernatural software geek is messing with both our heads, finding the two hardest-core atheists and sending us a subtle message: you guys don’t know nuthin. Think ya have it all figured out with your “inflation” models, well whaddya gonna do with THIS data? Atheist, hmm? Heh, I’LL show ya atheist.
Then she sends us that astonishing LIGO result. My preliminary conclusion: that just can’t happen. I am still in the denial phase, only it’s a refusal to accept something really wicked cool rather than something bad.
Check this image:
This is Oregon, but the smoke is coming down here. I took this sun photo at about 10am, but it has gotten much darker. Now just as the sun reaches zenith, the street lights are coming on. Repent, ye sinners and FORTRAN coders! It’s the apocalypse!
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