[ExI] bikers again and smallpox

Dylan Distasio interzone at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 04:24:57 UTC 2020

WSJ not impressed:

On Wed, Sep 9, 2020, 9:30 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> *From:* spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com>
> >…At some point the epidemiologists must explain a stunning observation:
> the bikers keep not dying…Epidemiologists have a lotta splainin to do…spike
> Please, my sincere apologies for going on about this.  In the runup, for
> weeks, or months really, we heard so much about how this would be a
> catastrophe and a super-spreader and all that.  But it wasn’t, and now it
> feels like a big shrug: OK that didn’t show what we expected, so… never
> mind, onto something else.
> Well wait a minute.  We have economists and journalists filling the
> vacuum, writing panic-porn for the masses claiming that it did show what
> they predicted, while the people who are qualified to get to the answers on
> this slink away quietly.  Why is it that way down here in Squaresville, L7
> non-hipster daddy-o nanoscopic spike seems to be asking: Why do the bikers
> keep not dying?  Why am I writing on and on, annoying my own friends to no
> end with my obsession, but the professional community are stone cold silent
> on what looks like a huge obvious signal, one that has enormous
> significance and stunning implications?
> spike
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