[ExI] Free will was: Everett worlds

Anton Sherwood bronto at pobox.com
Tue Sep 15 07:14:05 UTC 2020

On 2020-9-14 11:48, Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat wrote:
> Nah, I was just emphasizing your point.  Some might say that it must 
> never become free range so it can be controlled - but if it never does, 
> then it will never become more than a tiny, near-universally irrelevant 
> historical footnote.

Volapük collapsed partly because its creator would not let go and allow 
the users to make improvements; as well as because Esperanto, which 
appeared a few years later, is much easier.  (Doktoro Esperanto did let 
go, though his works still mostly define the standard.)

Andrew Joseph Galambos is more obscure than he might be because of his 
extreme view of intellectual property: if I understand right, a 
condition of attending his talks was a NDA that, in effect, prohibited 
his acolytes to proselytize.

James Cooke Brown invented Loglan and copyrighted its lexicon so that he 
could control the language.  A dissident faction made a new lexicon, 
generating all new words, and their version (Lojban) eclipsed the original.

Other examples?

*\\*  Anton Sherwood  *\\*  www.bendwavy.org

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