[ExI] Human Fetal Tissue Research
Anton Sherwood
bronto at pobox.com
Tue Sep 15 17:22:41 UTC 2020
On 2020-9-15 08:40, spike jones via extropy-chat wrote:
> Where we don’t want to go is having a lot of taxpayers recognize that
> their money is going to support something they consider morally abhorrent.
In my youth I would try to sketch the constitution of an ideal republic,
but could not get around the point that anything the state does is
likely to be repugnant to some minority of taxpayers; and it's cruel to
make them participate. I could not square the wrongness of military
conscription (I remembered when that was a thing, though I would never
have said so then!) with the rightness of taxation.
It was therefore a great relief to me to be persuaded that the state is
not necessary.
One often hears that "libertarians are selfish jerks who just want to
smoke pot and not pay tax." Perhaps. This jerk became a libertarian
because, out of compassion for people who disagree with me, I did not
want to *collect* tax.
Some call that being too weak to accept the distasteful necessities.
*\\* Anton Sherwood *\\* www.bendwavy.org
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