[ExI] more beta, not less
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Tue Sep 15 18:57:15 UTC 2020
Someone posted:
> >...I was put on Entresto and a beta blocker. The latter strongly affects
> my cognitive abilities. (someone who isn't spike)
> Sheesh ((someone who isn't spike), what a thing to post, in times as
exciting as these:
> LIGO... spike
Seeing those two comments juxtaposed gave me an idea. I wasn't aware that
beta blockers would impair cog abilities, but I believe the person who is
devouring them at a doctor's advice knows what it does, so I take him at his
So what if. one's heart is helathy, a beaty thing, it seems to work
adequately, beating, maintaining adequate blood pressure and such, and one
doesn't have any particular heartburn with excess adrenaline (hell I pay for
adrenaline ziplining with the scouts, the motorcycle stuff.)
OK, so. if that's the case and beta blockers reduce adrenaline and impair
cognitive function, it stands to reason there should be an opposite
medication, a beta-encourager? A beta inviter? And if so, it should give
pleasantly titillating enhanced adrenaline for those who enjoy this sorta
thing (I do!) and it should perhaps enhance cognitive abilities in the same
deal, ja? Cool!
If that Entresto is doing it, perhaps there is such thing as Disentresto?
We have caffeine (oh what a gift is that marvelous chemical, it even tastes
good in the morning, thank you Mother Nature for that stuff!) I already
know there are prescription stimulants, but I don't want to go to a doctor
(too risky) I don't want to devour anything illegal (too risky) and caffeine
is certainly tried and true.
What else please? Legal and non-prescription only.
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