[ExI] simulation stat goofiness
Mike Dougherty
msd001 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 19:20:31 UTC 2020
On Sat, Sep 19, 2020, 2:30 PM Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> millisecond or two, no? And
> how from the inside would you know processing power was reaching its
> limit? You might come up against a wall if you were running a
> simulation -- adding more complexity into the simulation you're
> presumably part of. But would that tell you you're in a maxxed out
> simulation as opposed to telling you that your technology isn't
> advanced enough (imagine running today's smoke simulation models on
> 1940s computers) or that there really are physical (non-simulation
> ones) limits on what you can simulate?
In our own simulations, we might notice that clocks skip a moment when the
lagged simulation is caught up to the clock at the hardware level.
Awareness of skips might depend on memory that is also prone to
manipulation. Maybe you trust what you believe is "real" experience or
maybe you accept what the "error corrected" world tells you was a
subjective observation mistake.
I don't have words to articulate how I understand the multiple
not-yet-too-divergent alternatives to 'now' - but I imagine the way we're
using quantum computing to search certain classes of solution space is
exploiting a lower-level of the universal computing hardware as an
efficiency boost to all the alternates simultaneously.
Some computations are cached (or memo-ized) around a context (typically
some "key") so is it possible that much of what we consider deterministic
is also an efficiency boost to retrieve already- computed results?
I also imagine the complexity associated with simulating every particle of
gas might be very precisely accurate... but most of the usage of predictive
power to approximate collective behavior of the gas is done with a few
macro parameters in a formula in which we so confidently refer to as "gas
laws." So if I were to bet on alien computing optimizations, I'd guess
particle simulations are run in one container only until a good-enough
formula is found to predict next states of the simulation within some
acceptable tradeoff between fidelity and resources.
Now I want to ask if we're experiencing the full rendering or the optimized
(.bmp vs .jpg, .flacc vs .mp3, etc.)
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