[ExI] anger

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Sep 23 21:20:48 UTC 2020



> On Behalf Of Dylan Distasio via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] anger


>…An EMP is a much bigger threat.   If China (or another actor) miscalculated and released one, I would suspect it would lead to nuclear annihilation.





Ja.  Our local internet company accidentally opened a big ugly can of worms today.


It was down at about 0430 this morning when I tried to get online.  It was down most of the day, coming back up just a few minutes ago.  Most of this town uses that service: it is the only one I know of which offers enough bandwidth to have three simultaneous different Zoom meetings without interference with each other.


So… I set up my mobile hot spot which I have for internet while we are camping  near a freeway.  Some others have hot spots.  Today the principal mass emailed that any absences would be excused.  But people can’t get email.  So kids were naturally going nuts trying to log on, not knowing that the internet was down for most of the town, including our school’s wifi.


My son still had internet so off to school he went.  One teacher (in a perhaps unadvisable move) went ahead and had class (after a fashion) for the half dozen who showed up, turned it into a help session.  So the students with hot spots, such as those whose families are on the road vacationing, could get help while those diligent students without those could not even go to class.


I expect fallout.





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