[ExI] yelling fire

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Apr 9 18:28:14 UTC 2021



> On Behalf Of William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat

Subject: Re: [ExI] yelling fire


>…Solution - when there is a fire in the theater, pipe gunshot sounds over the loudspeaker system…  


Brilliant!  Oh wait, never mind.  Playing gunshots over the speaker system would be interpreted as part of the movie.  Any modern movie which does not include people getting shot is consigned to the small market bin now called “talking heads” movies.  They have no shootouts, no car chases, no helicopter crashes, nothing to hold the interest of the bulk of theatre attendees, none of whom have ever heard of a fire in a theatre or even seen anyone smoking indoors.  Times change, sometimes for the better.  I would gladly trade going to the movies for the absence of theatre fires.


>…And call your lawyers.  bill w


BillW, as a fun aside to your solution, a thought experiment I use to illustrate to students a shock wave is to have them imagine the best, most powerful stereo speaker over which you play the sound of a mighty blast.  Put a bucket over the speaker, play the bang.  Nothing happens.  Now get an M-80 or cherry bomb, light it, bucket over, step back (way back.)  Boom, up it goes.  The speaker makes a sound wave, the cherry bomb makes a shock wave.  Two different kinds of waves.


They still don’t understand of course, because explosives are illegal in California.  The meekly conforming drones have never seen either a cherry bomb or an M-80.  Sheesh, kids these days.



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