[ExI] privacy rights?

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 20:39:36 UTC 2021


I do not know anything about this case except what he has been accused of.

My point is about the officer who got fired for donating to his defense
fund.  I see in the news people getting fired for what they put on Twitter
and Facebook etc.  Of course you can say that if they didn't want people to
read it, they should not have posted it.

I know that the 1 st Amendment does not apply here, but firing people for
private opinions seems like a slippery slope to me.

What's next?  Neighbors reporting controversial attitudes to companies,
police depts., and so on?  Schadenfreude anyone?  Ruin someone's career or
life?  Bring back the Gestapo?  Hoover?

Gone too far I say but do not have any solutions I can live with.   bill w
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