[ExI] pistols

Anton Sherwood bronto at pobox.com
Wed Apr 28 23:09:23 UTC 2021

On 2021-4-28 07:59, spike jones via extropy-chat wrote:
> No knock SWATing is preceded by a warrant (if they do it legally.) 

If by "preceded" you mean the invaders must be authorized by a judge, 
yes; of course the targets have no way of knowing that the warrant 
exists.  The whole point of a "no knock" warrant is to deprive the 
occupants of opportunity to defend themselves or destroy evidence.

> Back in the crack cocaine epidemic in LA, they had cases where people 
> barricaded themselves inside a house and sold dope thru a mail slot.  
> The warrant would be delivered that way.  [...]

Not exactly "no knock", then.

> In the USA today, police are being vilified daily for profit by our 
> mainstream media.  It sells clicks like nobody’s business.  [...]

And yet reporters still usually transcribe the police spokesmodel's 
story without comment.

> Plenty of people can see where this leads: officers deciding to go into 

> another line of work where they are appreciated, understaffed forces, 

Wouldn't be so understaffed if some of their functions were transferred 
to people without license to kill (traffic tickets, mental health 
intervention) or abandoned entirely (vice).

> longer response times, citizens responsible for their own homeland 
> defense, political pressure to change laws to make it safer and more 
> practical to be one’s own police force (which is already happening.)

*\\*  Anton Sherwood  *\\*  www.bendwavy.org

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