[ExI] DeepMind’s Vibrant New Virtual World Trains Flexible AI With Endless Play

Anton Sherwood bronto at pobox.com
Mon Aug 9 22:21:36 UTC 2021

On 2021-8-09 02:33, BillK via extropy-chat wrote:
> It depends on which of the many dates and times in the headers of Exi posts
> that your mail system decides to display.

There is only one "Date:", and what I see is consistent with it.

> Plenty of confusion is possible.
> But to go back to your original complaint, the Philippines time zone
> is 8 hours ahead of UTC and California is 7  hours behind UTC. So it
> is perfectly possible for some of the dates in the headers of John's
> posts to show a relaxed Saturday date while California people are
> still fighting their way through Friday's terrors.
> The Exi list is international after all.

Yes, anything is possible except that someone other than me made a mistake.

*\\*  Anton Sherwood  *\\*  www.bendwavy.org

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