[ExI] 12 Little Things That Show People You’re Intelligent

Dave Sill sparge at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 20:07:42 UTC 2021



1. Showing up on time.
2. Dressing appropriately.
3. Remembering the little things.
4. Holding the door open.
5. The art on your walls.
6. Your shoes.
7. When you take notes.
8. The state of your desktop.
9. Spending money wisely.
10. How you invest your time.
11. The foods you eat.
12. Your circle of friends.


Some of these are good; some are pretty silly. There are some obvious
omissions like:

Be polite and respectful.
Be a good listener.
Be open minded.
Pay attention.
Keep your promises.

I'm sure we could add dozens more.

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