[ExI] Immaculate Election
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Wed Jan 13 02:04:22 UTC 2021
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of
Stuart LaForge via extropy-chat
>>... The voting machines aren't the problem. The current rage-addicted
> divisive political environment is the problem.
>...Complex misunderstood technology like social media platforms that have
algorithms that sequester you into echo chambers is responsible for the
rage-addicted divisive political environment...
The social media people really played right into that, ja? What did they
think would happen when they started selectively filtering content? I don't
recall electing Google as arbiter of truth. Did anyone here elect Apple to
dictate ethics to us? Where do these guys derive the moral authority to
squelch a platform that doesn't filter content? Are they really that blind
to not see: that makes the problem of division a lot worse.
>... People tend to have short memories and only implicate voting machine
fraud when their side loses...
So it might seem. However, the voting machine appeared dangerous to me long
before the questionable 2000 election, and has ever since. Public
confidence in elections has been declining ever since.
It isn't who won and who lost, but rather that the public has lost
confidence in the integrity of the process. This may lead to anarchy.
I notice how quickly the Resist movement has transformed to Trust and obey.
I take a third path: Trust but verify.
>...We need to make it so that any yahoo with a smartphone can check verify
that the election was fair.
>...> Vendors don't know about zero-day vulnerabilities or they'd fix them.
> They may know about back doors.
>...Vendors usually find find out about zero-day vulnerabilities well ahead
of the general voting public which is why they push out software patches
without being asked to by the end-users...
They may, they usually, etc. We need more certainty than those terms
contain. I still haven't heard a good reason why we need the machines.
Scrap em.
>... The news cannot hide that every American who voted got a notice in the
mail that they may be entitled to a couple of dollars in compensation
because voting machine developers can't PROVE that the election wasn't
stolen... Stuart LaForge
OK, well that makes me feel better: I get a coupla bucks compensation.
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