[ExI] Section 230 and Antitrust
Omar Rahman
rahmans at me.com
Thu Jan 21 11:42:16 UTC 2021
> On 21 Jan 2021, at 02:54, extropy-chat-request at lists.extropy.org wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 20:09:56 -0500
> From: Dave Sill <sparge at gmail.com <mailto:sparge at gmail.com>>
> To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org <mailto:extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>>
> Subject: Re: [ExI] Section 230 and Antitrust
> Message-ID:
> <CAM5aL2eZGnfB-qw+Omi2jjs+b=nXEDQ=sXAb_uR29Cgp9+sVWw at mail.gmail.com <mailto:CAM5aL2eZGnfB-qw+Omi2jjs+b=nXEDQ=sXAb_uR29Cgp9+sVWw at mail.gmail.com>>
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> On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 7:33 PM Omar Rahman via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org <mailto:extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>> wrote:
>> The myth that ?races? exist is the fundamental myth of racism.
> Races clearly exist.
No, I stick by what I said. Races do not exist, not in a scientific sense.
1) Even if you could you do genetically define a race (some mix of genes in some proportions), it would soon not match the population, even the population of an isolated island group after a few generations.
2) Even if you defined a race with a more flexible statistical model with some trend lines for shifts in the genetic makeup, it would ignore demographic and environmental shifts.
Any 16th century notion of ‘race’, that those people over there have characteristic X to degree Y, is so useless as to be OFFENSIVELY IGNORANT.
When someone with multiple advanced degrees like Dr. Meatstealer Jr., son of Dr. Meatstealer (who, according to Meatstealer Jr, apparently also accepted “presents” to perform his governmentally paid duties), clings to these “beliefs” it is WILLFULLY OFFENSIVE IGNORANCE.
We’ve seen where this sort of cynical rhetoric leads on Jan. 6.
>> People of ?mixed race? used to be called ?mulatto?, as in ?like mules?, a
>> separate sterile species.
> Yeah, that's bullshit racism.
> But the truth is that we are all some sort of mix.
> That's true too. But the fact that racial purity doesn't really exist
> doesn't mean that races don't exist.
Sorry, that’s exactly what it means.
> Genes and environmental factors, however, do exist, and have actual
>> explanatory power.
> Races are genetic. Environmental factors can alter genetics.
> -Dave
Any population group is affected by: genetics, and environmental factors. And environmental factors include (culture, location, changing weather patterns, pollutants, population influxes, and many others.)
There is no need, to saddle any discussion with some outdated notion of “race”.
But there is every political motivation for some to ignore all the environmental complexity and simplify things to “race”.
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