[ExI] IBM AI can now argue with humans

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 16:23:45 UTC 2021

IBM Built an AI Capable of Holding Its Own Against Humans in a Debate
By Joel Hruska on March 19, 2021


A recent paper in Nature describes the results of a 2019 test between
Project Debater and globally recognized debate champion Harish
Natarajan. The AI and individual debated whether preschool should be
subsidized. Each side was given 15 minutes for prep time without
additional internet access, which Project Debater used to sort through
its own internal database of content. Both sides gave a four-minute
speech, followed by a two-minute closing statement.

Ultimately, Natarajan was judged to have won the debate, but Project
Debater held its own, forming logical statements and arguments over
the course of the discussion.

Nature paper here:

One problem might be that the AI could argue equally well for both
sides of the debate.
The best way to make a decision could be to ask the AI to prepare the
case for both sides and then consider them side by side.

I wonder if the AI has watched the Monty Python 'Argument' comedy
sketch?  (3 minutes)


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