[ExI] restoration-ready

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun May 23 18:30:17 UTC 2021

Replicar Jags can be made of fiberglass, plastics, Buckyballs, or whatever
you like.  It's the appearance that matters (well, the ride too).  Without
asking me, you can look long and hard but rarely find a white-walled tire
on a car.  What happened?  I tried but settled for black.

$4 for gas - $1.60 here - has nothing to do with availability in the long
term.  Purely political.  We, this group, are a good bit richer than the
average European, who is paying well over $6 a gallon (yes, I looked it
up), so don't tell me you can't afford $4, you old pinchpenny.  Yes, we
both remember 25 cents a gallon, but then ribeyes cost that much way back
when as well.

Freud, who may actually be right about this one, said that humans lost most
of their sense of smell when they began to walk upright.  Think of cats and
dogs:  their noses are close to the earth and earthy smells, which are
useful to them ("That damned Butch been peeing on my fire hydrant again!")
Earthy smells is exactly what we don't like - we have a human-wide
obsession with feces - being forced to eat them, like dogs and other
animals do, is among our worst nightmares.  (cue in Lonesome Dove and the
pigs who faithfully followed the cook, who had the diet they liked)  There
is a book called Disgust which will tell you a lot more about this
subject.  I couldn't finish it.   Apparently losing our sense of smell did
not damage our survivability.  We began to rely more on vision.    bill w

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 11:40 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On Behalf
> Of *William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 23, 2021 7:27 AM
> *To:* ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
> *Cc:* William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] restoration-ready
> >…Spike, the days of the beautiful, big cars are over.  I am driving
> around and see this little cutoff car and it's a Lincoln!  Bah and more
> Bah.  Maybe they will come back as a sort of Replicar movement.  The irony
> is that they did all this downsizing and increasing fuel economy and we
> don't need to save gas anymore… Billw
> Indeed sir?  This guzzler I passed up is lucky to break into the double
> digits on fuel economy.  The state government and other considerations have
> pushed the price of fuel well past 4 bucks a gallon, owww…  I considered
> the suicide door Lincoln only because my trips are short.  My cross country
> runs wouldn’t be done in that rig.
> In addition to their enormous size, the higher end cars in those days had
> little if any plastic.  An all-metal car is very heavy, which causes its
> own problems with handling, stopping, fuel consumption and so forth.  The
> 65 Linc is a parade car and a fun show-off car, but lacks practicality.
> Still fun to look at, and if you start it up, you experience that smell
> cars used to make in the pre-catalytic converter days.
> For some reason (perhaps the psychology hipsters among us can comment) the
> sense of smell seems most directly tied to memory.  It works that way in
> dogs too.  Certain smells, even unpleasant ones such as pre-cat-con engine
> exhaust, trigger pleasant memories of a cheerfully misspent childhood.  The
> ice cream truck’s engine is not stressed, so those things never wear out.
> It has no cat-con, for that rolling freezer of goodies has been sedately
> jingling around the suburban streets for over half a century completely
> unchanged.  Those rigs still emit that marvelous smell without which sales
> would plummet, for most of their ice cream is bought by wistfully
> reminiscing old geezers such as…um… well… I don’t know any old geezers
> personally, you see, nope, never met em.  I and my friends are middle a…
> eh… late youth geezers, all of us.
> spike
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