[ExI] decaf

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 14:08:17 UTC 2021

Awhile back I asked the groups about a quality decaf.  I tried Stumptown,
Verona, and others, with no success.  Most I found tasteless.

But I have found one and it's great:  Moka Java SWP from Sweetmarias.  I
will now buy nothing else.

Three minutes in a popcorn popper and you are ready (ask me how).

Most people have never had a cup of coffee outside of Starbucks etc. that
wasn't stale when they bought it.  Some people buy five pounds of ground
coffee at a time.  Stale stale stale. Roast your own and taste the
difference, at the cost of a popcorn popper.

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