[ExI] from quora - laugh of the day

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Oct 13 04:15:25 UTC 2021



From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 



Cc: William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com <mailto:foozler83 at gmail.com> >
Subject: [ExI] from quora - laugh of the day




I am Enough requested your answer <https://www.quora.com/qemail/track_click?al_imp=eyJ0eXBlIjogMzUsICJoYXNoIjogLTE3MTc1NjE2NTR9&al_pri=1&aoid=ot0Z1Q647PB&aoty=2&aty=4&cp=1&ct=1634063697514676&et=103&id=6ceff58b02b44e9dad9d61166a6b00e1&request_id=289&src=1&st=1634063697518845&stories=27461907629&uid=zGWPcMS0Aej&v=0> How can I stop my brain from creating limiting beliefs? Like I be on a chill and I get a blue pen to take notes then I end up using black because I have a bad feeling about the blue pen. <https://www.quora.com/qemail/track_click?al_imp=eyJ0eXBlIjogMzUsICJoYXNoIjogLTE3MTc1NjE2NTR9&al_pri=1&aoid=ot0Z1Q647PB&aoty=2&aty=4&cp=1&ct=1634063697514676&et=103&id=6ceff58b02b44e9dad9d61166a6b00e1&request_id=289&src=1&st=1634063697518845&stories=27461907629&uid=zGWPcMS0Aej&v=0> 
 <https://www.quora.com/qemail/track_click?al_imp=eyJ0eXBlIjogMzUsICJoYXNoIjogLTE3MTc1NjE2NTR9&al_pri=1&aoid=ot0Z1Q647PB&aoty=2&aty=4&cp=1&ct=1634063697514676&et=103&id=6ceff58b02b44e9dad9d61166a6b00e1&request_id=289&src=1&st=1634063697518845&stories=27461907629&uid=zGWPcMS0Aej&v=0> This is really one for Spike.  I can only imagine what he would do with it.  I am just going to delete it and not dis the guy.   bill w



>…Good strategy Billw: let it go.


>…I hung out on Quora long enough to recognize it isn’t worth hanging out there.







Billw, I can write any goofy thing I want here, people know me.  Most of us go way the heck back, so they just disregard, eh, spike goofing around again.  It’s what he does best.  But  I can’t do that on Quora.  If we can’t cut up and have fun, then it’s a party where I don’t want to be.



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