[ExI] These Apps Saved My Sanity (and Probably My Marriage)

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 17:54:29 UTC 2021

I've somewhat fallen into the "cell phones are bad for kids and turn them
into zombies" camp, but this article shows how they can get families to
better communicate and get things done with a minimum of craziness...

"According to Brent Sweitzer <https://sweitzercounseling.com/>, a private
practice professional counselor in Cumming, Georgia, who works with
families, technology for families gets a bad rap. “We've all seen examples
of where personal screens have gotten in the way of communication and
connection,” says Sweitzer. “However, in using apps and other tech tools,
the wisdom is in knowing what the technology or app or tool is
facilitating—such as more time authentically being with people we care
about, enjoying the natural world, playing and laughing together, and
living a connected life. Find tech and tools that can help with that.”

"Sweitzer also acknowledges the positive effects an organized,
well-structured environment can have on kids, with technology, such as
apps, paving the way. “Children thrive with structure and where healthy
expectations are clear. Consistency leads to predictability and a sense of
safety, which leads to feelings of security,” he says.

If you’re new to the concept of using a family app to stay organized,
having everything captured in the frame of your phone—that everyone else in
your family can have captured in theirs too—is a game changer. In our home,
there’s no more fear of missed communications or conflict of events. With
organization apps very much a part of our daily routine, adding things to
the to-do list, grocery list, or even the family calendar are second
nature. I’ve caught my tween dancing to TikTok while punching in items on
our calendar and seen my 9-year-old cracking open the fridge, then tapping
missing grocery items into our running list. I’d say these apps don’t just
make life easier. They take responsibility and organization to a whole new
level, both for budding adolescents and bickering spouses."
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