[ExI] evolutionary dieting, was: RE: covid lies

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Sep 29 13:19:57 UTC 2021





>>> ... There is always someone in the office ordering lunch of a Whopper
burger and a Diet Coke.  :)  BillK


>>…Hi BillK, I am that guy, but I wish to point out that it make perfect sense
for at least some people.  This took me so long to figure out for everyone's
digestive system is different.  Well... mine isn't.  Mine's the same.  But
everyone else's is different…spike



From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] covid lies


>…Edwards' lemon pie, available at Walmart.  I had to quit buying them.  Puts on weight fast.   bill w


That this topic is so complicated and there is an entire industry devoted to it (diet and health) demonstrates that we are still missing some critical pieces of the puzzle.  We know that dietary rules are not absolute, and we know that the principles often just fail for a lot of highly self-disciplined highly intelligent people.  We all know such people, ja?  Plenty of them.  The rules are generalizations that work for most people most of the time, but have so many damn exasperating exceptions, harm is caused nearly as often as not.


In Billw’s field we have come to understand the role of evolutionary psychology, so where is evolutionary diet and health theory?  Where is evolutionary medicine in general?  Have not people evolved skerjillions of generations under differing conditions and vastly differing diet?  Do we expect the same diet rules that seem to work for people whose ancestors survived the frozen tundra of Siberia to work the same way for those whose ancestors survived on a scorched mesa in central Mexico?  Do we expect the Atkins diet to work the same for Inuits as it does for Huichols?  Why please?


I can see a day coming soon where a dietician needs a DNA sample before she can even start helping a patient and even then it might still not be enough information.  Dietary science is where biology was before evolution was proposed.











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