[ExI] The most precious essence

Brent Allsop brent.allsop at gmail.com
Sun Feb 6 17:49:58 UTC 2022

Hi Rafal,
Thanks for sharing this!!
I plan on going further than just this, so would like to get final copies
of your stuff.  Also I want to create an Estate, that will continue to
carry out my will, after I am on ice.
I call the entity I want to create an "estate".  I describe how these will
operate in my short story fan fiction: "1229 years after Titanic
Basically, they are AI systems, who's goal is to collect, maintain, all of
my history, and some of my assets.  Especially a description of my entire
life, all of my memories, pictures, videos, and everything.  It will
collect as much of my memorabilia and history as possible.
It may help to fund descendants education, and stuff like that I would have
done, were I not on ice...
The purpose of the AI, will be to behave as close as possible to what I
would have done, were I not on ice.  And of course, it's goal will be to
resurrect me, and restore all of my memories to me.
The assets in the AI will go to funding the computing power to host the AI.

There will be a big problem dealing with identity.  For example, if someone
creates an artificially conscious being, then names it after the
estate's owner, then claims all your assets, will that work?
Of course not.  The question then becomes, what would meet the definition
of a resurrect (recovered form your corpsicle) you?

I believe there are already companies starting to offer these kinds of AI
services, so you can get the AI started, before you die, to continue to
train it to be you, before you die.
What Martin Rothblat is doing with his lifenaut.com mind files organization
is pushing in this direction.


On Sun, Feb 6, 2022 at 3:16 AM Rafal Smigrodzki via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> I have been working with the law offices of Hoyt and Bryan (
> https://hoytbryan.com/contact-us/) to establish a Revival Trust to aid in
> my cryonic suspension and I'd like to share with you an executive summary
> of the trust that I just wrote:
> "I believe that the most precious essence of the good life is the
> cultivation and satisfying of curiosity. I am intensely curious about the
> future. Scientific progress offers us now options to extend the temporal
> reach of our curiosity beyond natural limits. I intend to use
> scientifically validated methods to prolong the survival of my mind and my
> curiosity as long as possible. For that purpose I established a contract
> with Alcor, a charitable organization, to preserve my brain in case of my
> death at low temperatures, a practice known as cryonic suspension, until
> technological progress allows my return to conscious experience. I am now
> establishing this Revival Trust to provide financial resources to aid in
> this process. Generally I intend for this Trust to steadily accrue value
> through prudent, long-term investments in order to pay for whatever must be
> done to increase the likelihood of my mind surviving into the far future
> and what has not been provided for by other mechanisms. By way of example,
> the Trust will if needed pay for: (1) Assisted suicide or legal action to
> give me access to assisted suicide in case of my impending death due to
> incurable disease, including dementia. (2) My upkeep while in an
> incapacitated state awaiting cryonic suspension, if not otherwise provided
> for. (3) Distributions required by law to beneficiaries during my time in
> cryonic suspension. (4) The process of reanimation from cryonic suspension,
> including reanimation by whole-brain emulation, if not provided for
> otherwise. (5) My upkeep and other expenses needed to return to functioning
> within the future society after reanimation. (6) Final distribution of the
> accumulated Trust value to me after my return to existence as a legally
> recognized person. (7) Other actions indispensable under the discretion of
> the serving Trustees to assure the survival of my mind into the far
> future, if not provided for otherwise. The above provisions extend also to
> the situation when instead of using cryonic suspension I decide to use
> other technologies to transfer my mind into the future, and such
> technologies may include chemopreservation, plastination, uploading through
> brain-machine interface and other potential future technologies provably
> capable of recreating my mind in the future. This Trust however will not be
> used for the benefit of my heirs or descendants."
> This is still work in progress but we hope to be finished with it in a few
> weeks. The Trust as whole is a big complicated legal document and it costs
> me a pretty penny but I think it's worth it if it makes me more likely to
> survive into the far future. Certainly all of you who have cryonic
> suspension contracts should consider establishing such trusts as well.
> Peggy Hoyt is very knowledgeable on this matter and she may be the only
> lawyer in the country who has experience in this very esoteric legal
> matter, so I am happy to provide her with some (unpaid, of course)
> advertising.
> --
> Rafal Smigrodzki, MD-PhD
> Schuyler Biotech PLLC
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