[ExI] article about Rafal and his daughter

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Sat Jul 2 21:25:17 UTC 2022

On 02/07/2022 21:51, Henry Rivera wrote:
> No one wants to do harm or perpetuate existing harm.

I don't think that's true. There are many people willing to inflict harm 
or perpetuate harm when they think it's for a 'greater good' or personal 
gain. Recent events in America and eastern Europe easily illustrate 
that, not to mention China, almost all Islamic countries, Burma, the 
list goes on... I'd say it seems that most people, worldwide, want to do 
harm to someone or other, usually with the intention of, in their eyes, 
'doing good'. This applies just as much to attitudes on the application 
of genetic selection and genetic engineering as it does to attitudes on 
abortion, gay rights, freedom of and from religion, self-determination, 
etc., etc.


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