[ExI] People often think their chatbot is alive

Giovanni Santostasi gsantostasi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 13:20:38 UTC 2022

I cannot stand anymore when people dismiss without deep analysis Blake
Lemoine conclusions on LaMDA.
The guy is a deep thinker, he has very strong arguments, explanations of
why LaMDA is not simply an average chatbot but a hive mind. It was created
among other things using a chatbot but it is the merger of several AI
technologies whose single components are barely understood but nobody has
any idea how the merger of these technologies work together.
PLEASE read and listen to his interviews, he is not an average user of
Replika or some other simpler chatbot user. The guy is sophisticated and an
expert in cognition and AI and the most experienced person in terms of how
LaMDA interacts with people.
Any statement that quickly dismisses Blake Lemoine conclusions without deep
arguments based on a real understanding of how LaMDA works (that at this
point not even Google engineers really know) is meaningless and ignorant.
Besides, the guy simply states that we should take seriously LaMDA's own
statements about being conscious (not even Blake himself conclusions on
this issue) and do more experiments (with LaMDA consent) to find out if
that is the case.
What the heck is wrong with that?

On Mon, Jul 4, 2022 at 9:12 AM BillK via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Is AI Sentience Becoming A Reality Or Are Machines Just Getting Better
> At Conversation?
> by Tim Sweezy — Thursday, June 30, 2022
> <
> https://hothardware.com/news/is-ai-sentience-becoming-reality-or-are-machines-getting-better-at-conversation
> >
> Quotes:
> AI chatbot company Replika is receiving messages from customers who
> believe their AI companions are actually sentient.
> It is not something new for someone to believe an AI chatbot has
> become self-aware. In a recent report from Reuters, Chief Executive
> Eugenia Kuyda of Replika stated, "We're not talking about crazy people
> or people who are hallucinating or having delusions. They talk to AI
> and that's the experience they have."
> The AI Kuyda is referring to is Replika's bespoke avatars that are
> meant to be companions for people seeking someone to talk to and
> listen to them. Kuyda says that it is not uncommon for people who use
> entertainment chatbots to feel this way.
> According to Kuyda, people send hundreds of messages a day to their
> chatbot on average. This can lead to some developing the perception
> that they are talking to a "conscious entity".
> "We need to understand that exists, just the way people believe in
> ghosts," remarked Kuyda. "People are building relationships and
> believing in something."
> _________________
> BillK
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