[ExI] Don't miss the Terasem Space Day Colloquium on July 20!
Giulio Prisco
giulio at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 06:33:25 UTC 2022
Friends, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow July 20 at 10am ET. This
promises to be an epic event!
Agenda and Zoom access coordinates:
to join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 824 4597 9923
Passcode: 770541
On Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 10:23 AM Giulio Prisco <giulio at gmail.com> wrote:
> Don't miss the Terasem Space Day Colloquium on July 20!Cultural,
> philosophical, and spiritual aspects of spaceflight and space expansion.
> Rick Tumlinson, Riccardo Campa, Elaine Walker, Frank White, Frank Tipler.
> You are invited to attend the Terasem Space Day Colloquium
> <https://turingchurch.net/terasem-space-day-colloquium-july-20-2022-bda45ffb0ea6>
> next Wednesday, July 20, from 10am ET to 1pm ET, via Zoom.
> Turing Church is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and
> support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
> Subscribe now
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/subscribe?utm_medium=web&utm_source=subscribe-widget-preamble&utm_content=62784699>
> [image: Twitter avatar for @giulioprisco]Giulio Prisco @giulioprisco
> Mark your calendar! Terasem Space Day Colloquium, July 20, 2022. Cultural,
> philosophical and spiritual aspects of spaceflight. Rick Tumlinson,
> Riccardo Campa, Elaine Walker, Frank White, Frank Tipler.
> <https://twitter.com/giulioprisco/status/1531892264552779777>Terasem
> Space Day Colloquium, July 20, 2022Cultural, philosophical and spiritual
> aspects of spaceflight. Rick Tumlinson, Riccardo Campa, Elaine Walker,
> Frank White, Frank Tipler.turingchurch.net
> <https://turingchurch.net/terasem-space-day-colloquium-july-20-2022-bda45ffb0ea6>
> June 1st 2022
> 1 Retweet3 Likes
> <https://twitter.com/giulioprisco/status/1531892264552779777>
> I look forward to seeing you on July 20 at the Terasem Space Day!
> Zoom access coordinates:
> <https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82445979923?pwd=eWhpY2dMUUVyblZaTjhHdHdZOFVZZz09>
> to join the Zoom meeting*
> Meeting ID: 824 4597 9923
> Passcode: 770541
> I hope a special girl will be in the audience and listen to both her
> parents speak on our future in space!
> Share
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/p/dont-miss-the-terasem-space-day-colloquium?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&action=share&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MDY4NzcsImlhdCI6MTY1Nzc4Njg2OCwiaXNzIjoicHViLTQ0NzE5MSIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.kt6_ZJRtmL_9zNwUVMnvkLVuCslByJSrCWCuSPELOrE>
> We didn’t assign topics to the speakers but asked them to talk about what
> they think needs saying, today, about the cultural, philosophical, and
> spiritual aspects of spaceflight and space expansion. So I don’t know what
> they’ll choose to talk about. I hope they will talk about my favorite
> aspects of their work, which are:
> ------------------------------
> Rick Tumlinson
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/p/terasem-space-day-july-20-rick-tumlinson>
> is a legendary space activist and a co-founder of the Space Frontier
> Foundation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Frontier_Foundation>. He
> wrote most of the “Frontier Files” - a series of e-mails that the
> Foundation sent out in 1995 to a select list of space activists. The series
> generated great interest.
> “Rick philosophized on the prospect of humans in space in such a dramatic
> way that it affected me for life,” says Elaine Walker in her book (see
> below). “I became immersed in the pro-space movement, as we called it then.
> The same crowd now calls it the ‘new-space’ movement.”
> The “Frontier Files” don’t seem to be available online but backup copies
> like this one
> <https://web.archive.org/web/20130609151901/http://archive.spacefrontier.org/History/frontierfiles.html>
> can be found via the Wayback Machine of the Internet Archive. I downloaded
> a copy in case these historic documents disappear from the internet for
> good.
> My favorite is Message 15, contributed by Arthur Clarke no less:
> “Nuclear Scientists at Harwell have discovered the heaviest element in the
> Universe, which they have named Bureaucratium. This extraordinary element
> has no protons or electrons, and its atomic number is zero. What it does
> have is one neutron, eight assistant neutrons, ten executive neutrons, 35
> vice-neutrons and 256 assistant vice-neutrons. These particles are held
> together by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like
> particles called 'morons'. Bureaucratium is completely inert but can be
> detected since it impedes every reaction it comes into contact with.”
> This summarizes the libertarian spirit of spaceflight and space expansion
> promoted by the Space Frontier Foundation.
> Rick’s talk will be titled “The Orphans of Apollo Grow Up.” We have done
> it all wrong after Apollo, but what happens if we do it right?
> ------------------------------
> Riccardo Campa
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/p/terasem-space-day-july-20-elaine?s=w> is
> a professor of sociology and the founder of the Italian Transhumanist
> Association <http://www.transumanisti.it/>.
> Riccardo has recently written academic papers on the sociological and
> spiritual aspects of spaceflight, including “The sociology of lunar
> settlement <http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81388-8_19>” (in the book
> “*The Human Factor in the Settlement of the Moon: An Interdisciplinary
> Approach <https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-81388-8>,*”
> published by Springer), “A Theory of the Merging Noospheres: Teilhard and
> Big History <https://doi.org/10.1080/14746700.2021.2012924>” and “Expanding
> Ecotheology to Embrace the Earth-Moon System
> <https://doi.org/10.1080/14746700.2022.2051253>,” published in *Theology
> and Science*.
> Riccardo is the author of many books. My favorite one, titled “*Trattato
> di Filosofia Futurista
> <https://www.amazon.it/Trattato-filosofia-futurista-Riccardo-Campa/dp/8890608277>*”
> (“*A Treatise on Futurist Philosophy*”), analyzes the philosophical
> aspects of Italian futurism, a movement related to transhumanism and
> Russian cosmism. The full text of the book is available here
> <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327537014_Trattato_di_filosofia_futurista>.
> See my review
> <https://turingchurch.net/the-philosophy-of-italian-futurism-riccardo-campa-15469e317150>
> .
> From my spaceflight book
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/p/futurist-spaceflight-meditations>:
> The Italian futurists… were enthusiastic fans of aviation and early ideas
> of spaceflight. Today, they would be enthusiastic fans of spaceflight.
> I think today’s sedate Western culture could use an injection of vitality,
> and I stand with Marinetti on the summit of the world to “fling our
> challenge to the stars.”
> In Campa’s words (my translation): “Marinetti and the futurists set
> themselves objectives like, no less, ‘to challenge the stars’, ‘to ascend
> to the sky’, ‘to reconstruct the universe’, ‘to create the mechanical man
> with interchangeable parts’…”
> I think transhumanism, Italian futurism, and Russian cosmism are a
> powerful philosophical foundation for humanity’s expansion into space.
> In “A Theory of the Merging Noospheres: Teilhard and Big History
> <https://doi.org/10.1080/14746700.2021.2012924>,” co-authored by
> Christopher Corbally and Margaret Boone Rappaport and published in *Theology
> and Science*, Riccardo proposes a modern interpretation of Teilhard
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Teilhard_de_Chardin>. Perhaps “we
> are destined by contact with other thinking planets, across the abysses of
> space and time, some day to become integrated within an organized complex
> composed of a number of Noospheres.” In late writings, Riccardo explains,
> Teilhard considered this as the most plausible hypothesis for the future of
> humanity.
> ------------------------------
> Elaine Walker
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/p/terasem-space-day-july-20-elaine?s=w> is
> an electronic musician and a long time space activist. See this 2005
> profile in space.com
> <https://www.space.com/744-electronic-pro-space-pop-music-zia.html>:
> “what could be more suitable to accompany the technology driven pro-space
> movement than technology driven music? Elaine Walker is an artist and
> musician who feels this way. The pro-space movement is also a social
> movement. As engineers and entrepreneurs are building hardware and carving
> out new markets, pro-space advocates are promoting a new outlook for
> humanity on a social level. Pro-spacers are forever finding creative ways
> to promote the idea of a spacefaring civilization with outreach projects,
> magazines, local chapters, lobbying campaigns, books, art and even music.”
> Art has a unique potential to create support for spaceflight and space
> expansion. I think the work of artists is equally important as (and perhaps
> even more important at this moment than) the work of engineers, scientists
> and entrepreneurs. We urgently need to make space sexy again and make the
> public fall in love with space again, and only artists can do that.
> Elaine is the author of a nonfiction physics/philosophy book, “*Matter
> Over Mind: Cosmos, Chaos, and Curiosity
> <https://www.amazon.com/Matter-Over-Mind-Cosmos-Curiosity-ebook/dp/B08GKZR4S1>*.”
> Matter and mind are parts of one physical reality that doesn’t necessarily
> require mind/matter dualism and/or a creator God. The world is
> deterministic but not predetermined. I have reservations on some of
> Elaine’s ideas, but her book is most certainly a great book and a page
> turner.
> In the book she comes out as a pro-tech, pro-space libertarian and tells
> the story of how she became a futurist philosopher and a space activist,
> citing the Extropians and Tumlinson’s “Frontier Files” among her main
> influences.
> ------------------------------
> Frank White
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/p/terasem-space-say-july-20-frank-tipler?s=w>
> coined the term “Overview Effect
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_effect>” to describe the powerful
> mind-changing and life-changing impact of seeing the Earth from space.
> [image: Twitter avatar for @JPMajor]Jason Major @JPMajor
> This is the first photo of an "Earthrise" captured by humans from lunar
> orbit: AS08-13-2329, taken by Apollo 8 LMP Bill Anders on December 24, 1968
> (crop of the original). After taking it Bill asked for a roll of color
> film.
> [image: Image]
> <https://twitter.com/JPMajor/status/1545511405608124420>
> July 8th 2022
> 70 Retweets394 Likes
> <https://twitter.com/JPMajor/status/1545511405608124420>
> Fred Hoyle noted that the Earthrise pictures
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthrise> taken by Apollo 8 astronauts
> during their 1968 mission around the Moon stimulated awareness of the need
> to protect the Earth’s natural environment. “It seems to me more than a
> coincidence that this awareness should have happened at exactly the moment
> man took his first step into space,” he said.
> Frank wrote a series of books starting with the seminal and very
> infuential “*The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution
> <https://www.amazon.com/Overview-Effect-Space-Exploration-Evolution-ebook/dp/B0926NWWST/>*”
> (first published in 1987).
> In “*The Cosma Hypothesis: Implications of the Overview Effect
> <https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07J2QZZ42/>*” (2018), Frank explores
> a higher level Overview Effect related not only to the Earth but to the
> whole universe. He says:
> “[We need] to think about how our exploration of space, or evolution into
> the universe, (as I prefer to say) would benefit the universe as a whole …
> we need a more complete perspective, yet another ‘Overview,’ if you will.”
> From my spaceflight book
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/p/futurist-spaceflight-meditations>:
> Frank White extends James Lovelock’s concept of Gaia, the living Earth, to
> the whole universe. The universe itself will become a living whole and we
> are “actively encouraged by larger forces” to expand beyond the Earth and
> “help the universe become increasingly self-aware” … According to Frank
> White we will create, or become part of, the universal mind.
> ------------------------------
> Frank Tipler
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/p/terasem-space-say-july-20-frank-tipler?s=w>
> is the physicist who dared to suggest that our descendants will take over
> the universe, remake it over and over, build eternity, and use their
> God-like powers to resurrect everyone who ever lived.
> I have reservations on some of Frank’s ideas, e.g. his conviction that we
> essentially already know all the physics we need to talk about these
> things. But this doesn’t diminish the extreme importance of his work, which
> is not always appreciated as it should be. Frank says, loud and clear, that
> God (or something so God-like that the name God is appropriate) comes to
> being in the far future of the universe, and we are part of the process.
> More and more scientists are saying similar things, including Nobel Prize
> winners:
> “God is under construction.” - Frank Wilczek
> [image: Twitter avatar for @giulioprisco]Giulio Prisco @giulioprisco
> “Wilczek grinned as he remarked that ‘God is under construction,’ as we
> gain knowledge and have opportunities to actively shape the world.”
> <https://twitter.com/giulioprisco/status/1545713583631306758>‘God is
> Under Construction’ | The Playful Spirit of Dr. Frank Wilczek - John
> Templeton Foundationtempleton.org
> <https://www.templeton.org/news/god-is-under-construction-the-playful-spirit-of-dr-frank-wilczek>
> July 9th 2022
> 1 Like
> <https://twitter.com/giulioprisco/status/1545713583631306758>
> [image: Twitter avatar for @giulioprisco]Giulio Prisco @giulioprisco
> "God is not only the world as it is, but the world as it should be. So, to
> me, God is under construction. My concept of God is really based on what I
> learn about the nature of reality." @FrankWilczek could you say more on
> this? <https://twitter.com/giulioprisco/status/1546061166857822208>Q&A:
> Talking God, science and religion with theoretical physicist Frank WilczekAs
> a theoretical physicist, Wilczek has been peeking under the hood of our
> perceived reality for more than 50 years now.latimes.com
> <https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2022-05-19/q-a-peeking-under-the-hood-of-reality-with-theoretical-physicist-frank-wilczek>
> July 10th 2022
> <https://twitter.com/giulioprisco/status/1546061166857822208>
> I guess Wilczek doesn’t mean this in a strong literal sense, but this is
> too good a quote to miss!
> The concept is also found in Terasem, e.g.:
> “4.1.4 - Terasem becomes omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient when it
> encompasses all consciousness and enough multiverse.” (source
> <https://terasemfaith.net/beliefs/>)
> Frank Tipler participated in the first Terasem event
> <https://terasemcentral.org/articles/gn/2005GeonanoProgram.html> on July
> 20, 2005 (video <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qbfAOLv1wg>). The
> chapter “Omega Point: Frank Tipler’s physics of immortality and
> Christianity” in my book “*Tales of the Turing Church
> <https://www.turingchurch.com/p/tales-of-the-turing-church>*” is entirely
> dedicated to his ideas. See also my 2016 video interview
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1lm4HmVfs4> with him. Frank sits on the Academic
> Advisory Council <https://www.christiantranshumanism.org/academics> of
> the Christian Transhumanist Association
> <https://www.christiantranshumanism.org/>.
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