[ExI] sex

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 00:59:32 UTC 2022

Probably some of you are thinking that I was bragging about my sex life - a
little bit, maybe.

I have always tested in the low range of testosterone and am now below the
charts (good for my prostate cancer) - not so good for sex and but then I
seem to function somewhat without much of it.  Put that together with being
80, and you might wonder why my sex life wasn't over years ago.  I dunno.
Pretty healthy.  Keep at it!  Older men lose it if they don't keep at it.
And it won't come back. Fact.

I am an open person.    bill w

So I hope that this is great news for you who hope to keep all your
functions in older age.  If I can do it with my limitations, you could do
better.  You can't take your sex life for granted and there are things you
actively need to do
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