[ExI] gas prices

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Mar 30 19:38:26 UTC 2022



Subject: Re: [ExI] gas prices


>…Tesla has the capability to put in a second alternator that recharges batteries continuously…



Indeed sir?  Before long, some yahoo will suggest putting in a third alternator and a fourth, then, hey cool!  Plug in your fully charged Tesla car, run the house off the car until it is nearly drained, go drive around town until the batteries are fully charged, come home, repeat.  It is a new take on Gibb’s free energy, only it’s spike’s free energy.


Or not.  It really doesn’t work that way.  Too bad for us though.  We are stuck with Gibb’s free energy, which is a bad name: it isn’t what it sounds like.






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