[ExI] Augmented reality will give us superpowers

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu May 19 22:04:33 UTC 2022

Augmented reality will give us superpowers
AR promises us a magical world.
Louis Rosenberg     May 16, 2022

Virtual and augmented reality have been through some false starts. But
this time is different.
Rapid advances in AR have made doctors the first superhumans, and
these abilities are only growing.
As AR hits the consumer market, it will sell superpowers to all of us.
AR eyewear will soon replace the smartphone as our interface for
digital content.

Over the next decade, the handheld mobile phone will be replaced by
augmented-reality glasses that you will wear during most of your
waking hours.
While many consumers, myself included, are skeptical that we’ll ever
want to wear digital hardware on our faces for hours each day, we
The reason is simple: Augmented reality will give us superpowers.

This brings me back to my thesis: Over the next ten years, augmented
reality will replace the mobile phone as our primary interface for
digital content. Early adopters will embrace the lure of new, magical
capabilities. Everyone else, skeptics included, will quickly find
themselves at a disadvantage without omniscience, x-ray vision,
superhuman recall, and dozens of other capabilities that are not even
on the drawing board yet. This will drive adoption as quickly as the
transition from flip phones to smartphones. After all, not upgrading
your hardware will mean missing out on layers of useful information
that everyone else can see.
End Quotes ------------------------

For many years, I have thought that the smartphone is an interim
device. AR spectacles are the next step. In turn they will be followed
by AR contact lenses, as AR tech merges into the human body.
As the article says, who doesn't want superpowers?
Resistance is futile. We will be the Borg.


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