[ExI] us
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 17:48:32 UTC 2022
None of this would be done if persuasion didn't work.
Unfortunately it works far too well BillK
I do not agree with your premise. Sure, plenty of persuasions of all types
are tried, but try to find the evidence that they do. And esp. look at how
long a change lasts - often, according to social psychologists like me,
change only lasts a few weeks, if that. Even monstrous changes, like
'getting saved' fade with time in most people who realize that it was an
emotional thing, not a rational thing. How much propaganda do you think
goes on in Iran? Plenty, I am supposing. Now contrast that with a survey
that says that 2/3 of Iranians do not support a religious government. I
highly doubt the Chinese will persuade many Uyghurs, but we will never
know. If they were highly successful I think we would find that out, since
that would be great propaganda for the Chinese to publish openly. bill w
On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 11:37 AM Gadersd via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household. The indoctrination
> techniques definitely worked on me and I am generally a very rational
> person. When I was young I couldn’t; explain why evolution and other
> scientific theories were wrong, I just knew they were because the source of
> truth (Bible) implied those theories were wrong. I didn’t even notice the
> contradictions in that worldview until I was in my teens even though I was
> mathematically minded. It is exceptionally difficult for children raised in
> a particular ideology to see the contradictions within that ideology. My
> strong sense of rationality eventually detected the cognitive dissonance,
> but for most it never happens and the ideology sticks for life.
> I suspect that it is much easier for teenagers and adults to shirk off new
> ideologies and brainwashing since they already have a worldview in place to
> default to, which I think explains why the brainwashing didn’t work on the
> GIs. That’s why you have to get them when they’re young, really young.
> On Nov 8, 2022, at 9:50 AM, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> We attained our neurological maturity around age 25. Before that, just
> how dumb were we? Were we very impressionable? Able to be led around by
> older and wise others? Or were we just a little bit of an independent
> thinker all along?
> Here's a phrase from today's paper? "..she was part of a larger movement
> of teachers indoctrinating students with liberal ideology..." Repub Ryan
> Walter said "There is no place for a teacher with a liberal political
> agenda in the classroom" Conservative OK?
> (the teacher in Oklahoma has provided students with a link to a library
> that let them read banned books)
> Now I don't know how much you know about brainwashing and indoctrination.
> I don't know much. But I do know that extensive studies were done after
> GIs returned from North Korean prison camps where they had been subjected
> to brainwashing, some of them for years.
> Results: they found no GI who was brainwashed by any definition. The
> techniques simply did not work. GIs pretended to go along with the program.
> Note that the GIs were not neurologically mature.
> Just how susceptible are our children to indoctrination? Me? I am a born
> contrarian and skeptic. But I don't know how I would have been affected by
> such a program, though I suspect that nobody and nothing could have just
> wiped out my opinions and replaced them at any age.
> So I think this whole thing is sort of a straw man - few if any are
> attempting indoctrination, and few are fully affected, and most of those
> kids will develop different opinions before they leave school.
> Remember 'Don't trust anyone over 30?' Teachers are like parents - they
> get ignored and what the peer group thinks is far more important.
> We received 'sermons' on all kinds of topics from parents and teachers and
> pastors throughout our youth. How much stuck? Of that that stuck, how
> much of it was thoughtless. believed just because we were told? bill w
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