[ExI] What do the stars make an astrophysicist feel?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 21:10:47 UTC 2022

Starts With A Bang — November 11, 2022       Ethan Siegel

We're used to scientists telling us about the math and physics behind
astronomical events. But what does studying space make us feel?

We are all limited creatures, struggling to make the right decisions,
find meaning to our existence, and to leave the world a better place
than we found it. Yes, there’s no evidence that there’s anyone out
there watching over us, looking out for us, or coming to save us from
ourselves. But there’s something tremendously hopeful about that, too:
it means in all the Universe, as far as we know, we have only one
another to be kind to, or to receive kindness from. Whenever I reach
that point, as I look up at and ponder the vast expanse of deep space,
I know it’s been time well-spent.

Inspiring article!


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