[ExI] bitcoin again

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Nov 26 00:33:19 UTC 2022



…> On Behalf Of Stathis Papaioannou via extropy-chat




>…Is there any evidence FTX did not pay the taxes they legally had to pay?


Stathis Papaioannou




Stathis it isn’t clear to me they had any tax obligation.  To have that, he would need actual profits.  My theory is that Bankman Fried’s business had no traditional taxable earnings, but rather was a Ponzi scheme from the start.  So… no profit, no tax bill.


With that observation, my prediction is doubly cynical.  I am suggesting Bankman Fried is an actual thief but not necessarily a tax code violator.  Profit is legally-earned and is taxable.  Stolen funds are tax-free.  Further, I predict that the authorities won’t bother trying him in criminal court but the tax man will find a way to end up with any remaining assets they can get their grubby paws on.  This is a full frontal attack by the US government on cryptocurrency exchanges, motivated by a fear that money is being made without their getting a cut of the action.





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