[ExI] answer to little puzzle

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 22:26:57 UTC 2022

Great story!  We knew the restaurant as Shoney's
Big Boy     bill w

On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 12:02 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> *…*> *On Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] answer to little puzzle
> >…I have not had carbonated water in a long time…
> Good, that’s all the more for me.  {8^D
> >…Even diet soda is not good for you…
> So I am told.  My doctor suggests going light on it, but I guzzle the
> stuff like it is the staff of life.  Sigh.
> >>…It was at that Fat Boy’s that the What club came to have a slogan.  Fun
> story available on request.
> >…Always tell the stories - don't wait for my requests.   …Seems like the
> Big Boy restaurant had another name but I cannot think of it.  bill w
> I too always thought it was the Fat Boy’s but I don’t know if it had
> another name.
> I went on Google maps to see if the building is still there.  It isn’t.
> Note a pawn shop with a painted-on sign just to the left of the green S.
> Washington street sign.  OK then.  If one is a bad guy, go to a different
> state.  Florida isn’t a sanctuary for that.
> My father was an officer in a local men’s club, Sertoma Titusville chapter
> (back in those days, there were only two genders, and clubs usually only
> had one (such primitive savages they were.))  The town was getting ready
> for its upcoming centennial celebration, so the men’s clubs got together
> and decided to have the men dress in 1867-ish.  Men wore beards in 1867
> when Titusville was founded, but in 1966, we heard of these undesirables
> known as “hippies” who did likewise.  Titusville had never seen an actual
> “hippy” in 1967 but we had heard of them.  The locals didn’t want to look
> like these “hippies” so it was decided to dress like Abraham Lincoln.
> Yanks, take out your five dollar bills.  Like that.  Short neat beards,
> short-ish kinda neat hair, vest, ribbon tie, hat was optional.
> OK then, it was decided: the men’s clubs would dress like Lincoln,
> encourage all the men to grow a short neat beard.
> It caught on, and within a few weeks most of the local men, including the
> other men’s clubs, had the short neat beards.  Early January 1967, Sertoma
> was meeting at the Fat Boy’s to decide on a club slogan or motto.  They had
> their ideas and shared them freely in this raucous sports bar/restaurant.
> A man walked in alone, clean shaven, military crew cut.  He sat down at the
> bar and ordered a beer.  As the bartender brought his mug, the clatter died
> down to where it was quieter than a library with the only sounds being
> whispers.  The man turned around and said “Whaaaaaat?”
> Everybody laughed, and someone called out “Good luck Colonel Grissom!”  He
> grinned and said “Thanks!” He turned around and went back to drinking his
> beer.  Nobody bothered him.
> My father’s club, Sertoma Titusville chapter, decided that day on their
> club motto: What.
> You know what happened a few weeks later: Grissom didn’t have good luck.
> He and two others perished in the horrifying Apollo 1 fire.  His famous
> What quote went on the Sertoma ribbons and hatbands.  Not his more famous
> quote in which the non-public speaking Grissom made an entire speech to an
> aerospace company consisting of three words: Do good work.  Seems like ‘Do
> good work’ would have been a great Sertoma slogan considering the name of
> the organization is derived from SERvice TO MAnkind, but because of that
> incident in early January 1967, their chapter slogan was: What?
> Sertoma Titusville chapter made ribbons for the upcoming centennial
> celebration, which is why I have a photo of the club with most of the
> members having a What ribbon in their hatbands.  They had a secret club
> handshake: traditional shake followed by spreading the hands palms up as
> Grissom had done at the Fat Boy’s, with a hearty “Whaaaat?”
> That was life in the 1960s in that part of the world.  It was a marvelous
> place and time to cheerfully squander one’s tragically misspent youth.
> spike
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