[ExI] Language models are like mirrors
Giovanni Santostasi
gsantostasi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 05:20:58 UTC 2023
And this:
ChatGPT Writes a Chatbot AI
On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 10:19 PM Giovanni Santostasi <gsantostasi at gmail.com>
> *But hey, here is an optimistic parting shot: let us use ChatGPT as a
> trainer, ask it to teach us how to set up large language models. Then we
> can all try our own hands at it, ja?*It has been done:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QWVJ5rWy2s
> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 10:02 PM Gordon Swobe via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> > The test I proposed of asking ChatGPT about a topic for which you know
>> the right answers. GPT fails those, but… in a fun way it comes across as
>> the talking dog, ja?
>> I have an example that is not so fun. For reasons of privacy, I was
>> debating whether to share it, but I think I can make it sufficiently
>> abstract. While I am no physician, I am highly knowledgeable about a
>> particular disease that afflicts someone I know. I have spent more than a
>> year researching it. No FDA approved meds exist for the treatment of this
>> disease, but there does exist a class of medications that would seem to
>> make sense as they are approved for some very similar and related disease.
>> That class of meds can be divided into two subclasses. In the related
>> diseases, any med in either subclass is more or less as safe and effective
>> as any other.
>> But in this particular disease that concerns me, meds in one of the
>> subclasses are contraindicated and strongly so. They are potentially lethal.
>> When ChatGPT first went online as version 3.5, I asked what would be some
>> proper medications for this disease I have in mind, and was appalled to see
>> it list mostly medications in the contraindicated subclass. I filled out
>> the feedback form to OpenAI to warn them of the error.
>> I'm glad to see now in version 4 that they've got it right. Not only are
>> the contraindicated meds not listed in the answer, but ChatGPT-4 warns
>> about them.
>> -gts
>> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 10:03 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
>> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>>> *…*> *On Behalf Of *Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat
>>> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] Language models are like mirrors
>>> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 5:32 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
>>> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>>> So… try it yourself. Take some area which you know more about that
>>> anyone, some technical niche perhaps, something on which you are a
>>> qualified judge, hand it to ChatGPT. It will take a shot at it and it will
>>> really sound like it knows from shinola.
>>> OK then, does it?
>>> >…HA HA HA no.
>>> ---
>>> >… While this AI is making the same mistakes as humans, it's still
>>> making mistakes that show it doesn't understand what it's talking about…
>>> Adrian you said something important there.
>>> >…I could go on at much further length, but I believe these three
>>> examples adequately establish the point… Adrian
>>> OK cool, now think about Adrian’s point that ChatGPT making the same
>>> mistake as humans.
>>> Consider the old joke about the farmer selling a talking dog for ten
>>> bucks, the dog tells the buyer of his adventures as an undercover FBI
>>> agent, a stock broker, a Coast Guard officer, and now a farm dog. The
>>> astonished owner asks the farmer why he is selling the dog so cheap, at
>>> which the farmer says “Because he’s a damn liar. He ain’t done half that
>>> stuff.”
>>> OK then, sure, ChatGPT is so dumb it makes the same mistakes humans do.
>>> Now consider news stories. We read those, we assume they are more or less
>>> correct, but once in a long while we see a news story about something we
>>> know a lotta lotta about because we were there when it happened. We saw,
>>> we heard. Later we read the news account. Invariably… we say nooooo no
>>> no, that’s not what happened, that is a terrible description of the event,
>>> lousy.
>>> Then the thought occurs to us: what if… all news stories are this bad?
>>> The test I proposed of asking ChatGPT about a topic for which you know
>>> the right answers. GPT fails those, but… in a fun way it comes across as
>>> the talking dog, ja? You don’t take it too seriously in details, and you
>>> know it certainly isn’t flawless, but… it’s a talking dog fer cryin out
>>> loud, we don’t expect it to be Mr. Peabody (younger crowd, ask ChatGPT who
>>> is Mr. Peabody.)
>>> ChatGPT has its uses, and has demonstrated itself to be a marvelous
>>> teacher and trainer. I have used it recently to come up to speed on legal
>>> terms, and I am convinced it will have enormous impact on society in many
>>> ways. I think it produces insight-like comments, but it is clear enough to
>>> me it found them in a huge database rather than invented them. Perhaps
>>> that counts as a kind of legitimate pseudo-insight, and has its uses. I
>>> will accept that it is better than humans at many things we do and pay for,
>>> resulting in some professions going away. The one that comes to mind first
>>> is paralegals. Those guys are adios amigos methinks.
>>> ChatGPT makes the same mistakes as humans and it is a marvelous novelty
>>> like a talking dog. I haven’t been able to convince myself it is going to
>>> result in the big S Singularity by rewriting itself and becoming a
>>> Bostrom-style superintelligence. That is still ahead of us.
>>> But hey, here is an optimistic parting shot: let us use ChatGPT as a
>>> trainer, ask it to teach us how to set up large language models. Then we
>>> can all try our own hands at it, ja?
>>> spike
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