[ExI] chatgpt plus google translate
Giovanni Santostasi
gsantostasi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 00:23:27 UTC 2023
I think using the same instances makes GPT-4 cheat somehow. I doubt that
you go back to original English essay without almost no loss in translation.
Hmm, let me try different instances...
On Sun, Apr 9, 2023 at 5:21 PM Giovanni Santostasi <gsantostasi at gmail.com>
> English essay: The beauty of language lies in the unique intricacies and
> nuances that each one possesses. These subtle distinctions create an
> expressive tapestry that allows individuals to connect with one another,
> often transcending cultural barriers. However, the translation process can
> sometimes cause these delicate nuances to be lost, leading to
> misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Despite these challenges, the
> complexity and variety of languages provide a rich landscape for human
> communication and expression, revealing the diverse tapestry of our shared
> human experience.
> Chinese translation:
> 语言之美在于每种语言所拥有的独特复杂性和细微差别。这些微妙的区别创造了一个富有表现力的画卷,让人们可以跨越文化障碍相互联系。然而,翻译过程有时会导致这些微妙的细节丢失,导致误解和误解。尽管存在这些挑战,但语言的复杂性和多样性为人类交流和表达提供了丰富的景观,揭示了我们共同的人类经验的多样画卷。
> Italian translation (from Chinese text): La bellezza del linguaggio
> risiede nelle singolari complessità e sfumature che ognuna possiede. Queste
> sottili distinzioni creano un arazzo espressivo che consente alle persone
> di connettersi l'una con l'altra, spesso superando le barriere culturali.
> Tuttavia, il processo di traduzione a volte può causare la perdita di
> queste delicate sfumature, portando a fraintendimenti e interpretazioni
> errate. Nonostante queste sfide, la complessità e la varietà delle lingue
> forniscono un ricco panorama per la comunicazione e l'espressione umana,
> rivelando il variegato arazzo della nostra comune esperienza umana.
> Back to English translation (from Italian text): The beauty of language
> lies in the unique complexities and nuances that each one possesses. These
> subtle distinctions create an expressive tapestry that allows people to
> connect with one another, often overcoming cultural barriers. However, the
> translation process can sometimes cause these delicate nuances to be lost,
> leading to misunderstandings and erroneous interpretations. Despite these
> challenges, the complexity and variety of languages provide a rich
> landscape for human communication and expression, revealing the diverse
> tapestry of our shared human experience.
> On Sun, Apr 9, 2023 at 5:13 PM BillK via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, 10 Apr 2023 at 00:49, spike jones via extropy-chat
>> <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > OK, but really what I was shooting for is Mandarin. European languages
>> are
>> > all fairly similar in structure really. Lookup-table style translation
>> > works well enough. But I noticed when trying to do Mandarin to English
>> or
>> > vv, things get messed up. Hilarity ensues. I don't think we have any
>> > native Mandarin speakers on the ExI list.
>> >
>> > Some years ago, when online translators were all the new thing, I was
>> on a
>> > motorcycle enthusiasts group where a Japanese-only speaker showed up.
>> His
>> > posts were hilarious. He was always falling all over himself
>> apologizing,
>> > we kept telling him no worries, lad, no offense taken at all, etc. When
>> > that went back into Japanese, I fear it came out on his end as: no
>> bananas,
>> > young man, your spleen is on fire completely.
>> >
>> > Or something else completely absurd. It didn't work.
>> >
>> > spike
>> > _______________________________________________
>> Mandarin is worse than Japanese. Mandarin is a group of Chinese
>> language dialects where some dialects are difficult for other Mandarin
>> speakers to understand. No wonder translation to English is difficult.
>> An English speaker has difficulty understanding a broad Scottish
>> dialect (not Gaelic, which is a different language). Broad Scottish
>> has so many different words (as well as the accent) that it is almost
>> incomprehensible to an Englishman.
>> BillK
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