[ExI] a little essay on anger and respect
Ben Zaiboc
ben at zaiboc.net
Tue Apr 25 14:30:56 UTC 2023
Well, Giovanni may be right, and religious belief may be what's causing
the problem here, but if that is the case, I see no point in further
discussion. Belief overrides reason every time, and for the vast
majority of people, it's their feelings that drive their thinking and
behaviour, not reason.
I think that just about all the cases of people curing themselves of
religion happen not because they realise it contradicts reason, but
because it starts to feel wrong. In many cases, I think that happens
because some people start to realise their religion is cruel and morally
bankrupt. Which many, if not most, of them are, in my opinion. 'Original
Sin', anyone?
Reason can then easily justify the wrong feelings, and apostasy
naturally follows.
When your religion feels right, nothing can sway you from it, no matter
how bonkers it is. We have abundant evidence for this, all throughout
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