[ExI] Science
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 29 22:17:41 UTC 2023
If Indians keep identifying as Black, the gap will narrow. Is it fair to
encourage them? bill w
On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 2:39 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> ...> On Behalf Of Keith Henson via extropy-chat
> Subject: [ExI] Science
> >...I don't know how many of you read Science, a few probably. The last
> two issues have been interesting. Two weeks ago there was an article on
> stopping AI research. This week the lead article was "Panel urges caution
> in tying social, behavioral traits to genes" Experts split on whether
> risks of perpetuating racism mean group comparisons should not be
> done...Keith
> Keith since you and I are from California, we know that public schools are
> rated based on how effectively they deal with the academic achievement gap
> between self-identifiers of four different ethnic groups. The smaller that
> gap, the higher rated is the school. If everyone would just stop talking
> about that achievement gap, it would no longer exist (as far as anyone
> knows) so... problem solved. There would no longer be any achievement gap
> and all public schools would be rated based on... hmmmm... I don't know...
> anyone?
> spike
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