[ExI] TEST: please send me PGP-encrypted email

Giulio Prisco giulioprisco at protonmail.ch
Mon Dec 4 09:29:49 UTC 2023

Thanks to those who have helped so far. So far it seems that Proton Mai's PGP bridge is usable and works well. Another test: please send me your PGP public key, I'll send you encrypted email to test.

Giulio Prisco
giulioprisco at protonmail.ch

On Saturday, December 2nd, 2023 at 10:12 AM, Giulio Prisco <giulioprisco at protonmail.ch> wrote:

> Hi, I'm thinking to become more privacy-conscious and use this mailbox more. Could you send me PGP-encrypted mail to test? Public key attached.

> I don't really need more privacy because I'm an open book, and independent thinking is not illegal... yet. But one day it could. Also, I want to show solidarity to those who need strong privacy.

> Best - Giulio


> --
> Giulio Prisco
> https://linktr.ee/giulioprisco
> giulioprisco at protonmail.ch
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