[ExI] [Extropolis] Who is younger than 40? 30? 20?

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Mon Dec 4 12:03:48 UTC 2023

Hello Giulio,

I'm right at the upper limit. I don't like to attach labels to myself, but 
if pressed, I might (depending on the company and how much I enjoy 
provoking the people present) call myself capitalist, libertarian, 
republican, anarcho-capitalist, human, philosopher or freethinker. ;)

Jokes aside, my passion is individual freedom and autonomy and I believe 
science and technology is an immense help in achieving that.

I order to make that happen on a small scale, some examples of what I do 

* I talk about it with people in the hope of inspiring someone.
* I've worked in the technology business all my life thus indirectly 
contributing to research and development.
* I teach people about computers/linux/devops etc.
* Rarely, from time to time, I've managed to get an article into my 
national newspaper.
* I engage in tax planning to withdraw money from a system I do not 
believe in and redirect it into projects I do believe in.
* I host a technology meetup since 8 years back.

Best regards,

On Mon, 4 Dec 2023, Giulio Prisco wrote:

> We old farts of my generation (I’m 66) were among the first to talk of wildly futuristic sci/tech with a wildly optimistic attitude
> in the 80s and 90s, often on this very mailing list. We have done what we could.
> Where are the next generations? Are you younger than 40? Younger than 30? Perhaps younger than 20? What do you plan to do to keep the
> spirit of Extropy going?
> Related: Is e/acc the new Extropy? Do you call yourself e/acc?
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