[ExI] Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Tue Dec 5 08:43:12 UTC 2023

Hello Giulio, I get this all the time.

I think there's something configured wrong somewhere. The solution is to 
go to your sent emails box and resend the message and that always solves 
the problem for me.

I can also add that this mailinglist is the only place where I get this 
error. Never get it anywhere else, and that is why I think there's an 
error in some configuration somewhere.

Best regards,

On Tue, 5 Dec 2023, Giulio Prisco via extropy-chat wrote:

> WTF is this?
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon at googlemail.com>
> Date: Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 8:55 AM
> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
> To: <giulio at gmail.com>
> Error Icon
> Your message to extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org has been blocked. See technical details below for more information.
> The response from the remote server was:
> 541 5.7.1 Intrusion attempt denied from
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Giulio Prisco <giulio at gmail.com>
> To: extropolis at googlegroups.com
> Cc: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
> Bcc: 
> Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 08:55:32 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Extropolis] Who is younger than 40? 30? 20?
> ----- Message truncated -----

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