[ExI] Tesla's Optimus Gen 2 humanoid

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 11:32:00 UTC 2023

Tesla's Optimus Gen 2 humanoid: A lot more Model S than Cybertruck
By Loz Blain    December 12, 2023

Tesla has completely overhauled its humanoid robot. The Optimus Gen 2
is 10 kg (22 lb) lighter, 30% faster, a lot smoother and more capable,
and it looks much more human in the way it moves. It's also got new
hands and feet, and some of Elon's style.

The Gen 2 bot gets two degrees of freedom in its neck, integrated
electronics and wiring, and a more human foot shape with articulated
toe sections and force/torque sensors. It also gets brand new hands,
with 11 degrees of movement freedom, faster actuators, and tactile
sensors on all its fingers to enable more deft manipulation of

Includes video - 1min 43sec.


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