[ExI] It's Xmas!

ilsa ilsa.bartlett at gmail.com
Mon Dec 25 01:46:47 UTC 2023

Cherry cheeks, winter cheer!
The time of year, to make One wish!

I wish I could write with a little song of the tongue of Chaucer. As I edit
more than 30 years of pages. I am in training  for Iambic toes that dance
off the pages, of my ,"girly girls red carpet of life", books.

Cozy cuddly Mary Holiday to all of my dearest entertaining men and women
with brains, I love you all, ilsa bartlett

On Sun, Dec 24, 2023, 10:47 AM Ben Zaiboc via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Merry Xmas, everybody.
> Ben
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