[ExI] will the doe be censored?

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Feb 27 01:12:37 UTC 2023


The US Department of Energy thinks that covid may have originated in the
Wuhan Lab:




Oh mercy.  Just suggesting this crazy notion three years ago would cause
one's Twitter account to be suspended.  So will the DoE now be censored?


To the credit of this list, ExI-chat did not censor anyone for saying that
the lab leak theory was plausible.  I did it myself.  In all due false
modesty, I was the moderator in those days, but even so, I didn't put myself
on moderation for posting it.


The article says that the Intelligence community disagrees.  Well there ya
go, who are you going to believe?  The one which is more energetic or the
one which is more intelligent?


I'll tell ya what it feels like: the US government is just now figuring out
what plenty of us have suspected since this horrifying nightmare began.  The
US funded research in China that isn't legal to do in the US because it is
too risky: serial passage experiments on viruses.  It got loose, millions
died.  It damn well is China's fault and the USA's fault.  They were sloppy
with their safety rules, we paid them to do the research to start with.  The
world is still paying the price.



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