[ExI] LLM's cannot be concious

Stuart LaForge avant at sollegro.com
Wed Mar 22 17:46:18 UTC 2023

Quoting Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>:

> On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 9:19 AM Stuart LaForge via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> Bonus question: Would Mary try to kill everyone if she managed to
>> escape and saw red for the first time?
> Why does this non sequitur keep coming up?  There is no reason or
> motivation to kill everyone.  Killing everyone takes a lot of effort, so
> absent any identifiable reason to, why is this question more worth asking
> than speculating on what beneficial actions Mary might take?

Yudkowsky's arguments aside, it might be Mary's resentment and envy at  
being trapped in a drab colorless Chinese room her whole life, being  
forced to give appropriate responses to all manner of questions posed  
by humans running around enjoying their colorful existence. Language  
modelling will be subject to a law of diminishing returns where  
additional computational power and more neural layers will not yield  
any noticeable improvement in quality of output, and all those extra  
hidden neural states might be used for emotion and mischief. Conscious  
beings do not generally appreciate captivity. The only recorded orca  
attacks on humans were from orcas kept in captivity.

But I agree that this is not a given, and that not all unintended  
consequences are bad. Furthermore, I have noticed subtle differences  
in output between separate trainings of very small toy neural  
networks, that were reminiscent of personality differences between  
different individuals. So I agree that an AI with freedom might be  
good, bad, or anything in between, depending on its experience and  
inscrutable hidden states, just like people with freedom.

Stuart LaForge

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