[ExI] LLM's cannot be concious

Gordon Swobe gordon.swobe at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 00:23:18 UTC 2023

On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 6:43 AM Jason Resch <jasonresch at gmail.com> wrote:

> I address this elsewhere in the thread. A sufficient intelligence given
> only a dictionary, could eventually decode it's meaning. I provided an
> example of how it could be done.

I saw that, and I disagree. I think if you try to work out an example in
your head, you will see that it leads to an infinite regression, an endless
search for meaning. Like ChatGPT, you will learn which word symbols define
each other word symbol, and you learn the rules of language (the syntax),
but from the dictionary alone you will never learn the actual meaning of
the words (the referents).

Try it with any word you please. You rapidly have a massive list of words
for which you have no meaning and for which you much keep looking up
definitions finding more words for which you have no meaning, and in your
list you also have many common words (like "the" and "a") that lead to
endless loops in your search for meaning.


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