[ExI] Six Startling Predictions

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu May 4 18:56:51 UTC 2023

The Great AI Disruption: Six Startling Predictions That Will Shape Our
Lives and Test Our Limits
by Thomas Frey | May 4, 2023

To better grasp the transition we’re in, I will help unpack six
predictions surrounding the future of AI and the profound impact these
developments will have on our lives, as well as the ethical questions
and challenges they will raise. As we delve into these predictions, it
is essential to consider the implications of these technologies and
the importance of striking a balance between the benefits they bring
and the potential risks they pose.


1. By 2026, AI-driven virtual reality experiences will become so
immersive and realistic that they will blur the distinction between
the virtual and the physical world, leading to widespread debates on
the nature of reality.

2. By 2028, AI-generated news anchors will become commonplace,
delivering real-time news updates with unparalleled accuracy and
speed, but sparking ethical discussions about the potential loss of
journalistic integrity and human touch.

3. By 2030, AI will have mastered the art of creating original,
best-selling novels and screenplays, leading to intense debates about
the value of human creativity and artistic expression in a world
dominated by AI-generated content.

4. By 2032, AI-enabled personal assistants, or buddy bots, will be
able to predict and cater to their users’ needs and emotions with such
accuracy that they will become indispensable companions, raising
concerns about the impact on human relationships and mental health.

5. By 2034, AI will have created entirely new industries and job
categories, pushing humans to adapt and acquire new skills to remain
relevant in the workforce, leading to a reevaluation of the
traditional notions of work and productivity.

6. By 2036, AI will have become an integral part of human
decision-making at all levels, from personal choices to global
policies, prompting philosophical debates about the nature of free
will and the ethical implications of relying on artificial
intelligence for guidance.

My feeling is that his timescale is too slow.
Change will happen faster and faster.
That's what exponential means!


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